
The 数学ematics, Sciences, 技术和商业部门培养皇冠体育解决问题的能力, critical thinking, research, 在许多职业中,创造力和数据分析是取得成功的必要条件. 具有较强的学术基础, 皇冠体育将准备进入任何学习或职业领域.

联系 & 办公室 Information


名字 电话 电子邮件
Dr. 玛格丽特Emblom-Callahan
703.845.6517 memblomcallahan@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Teba Aljumaili
副院长MDE, m, CSC, 苛刻的
703.933.5086 taljumaili@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Stephen Ward
703.933.8084 sward@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Katherine Burton
化学加工, 高尔和体育主席
703.845.6505 kburton@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Michelle Gaston
生物, NAS和ENV主席
703.845.6282 mgaston@qiantongauto.com
Essma Haddam
椅子 for m and MDE
703.845.6268 ehaddam@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Karen Chipman 703.845.6534 kchipman@qiantongauto.com
Raymond Cook 703.845.6540 raycook@qiantongauto.com
Pamela Parker 703.845.6547 phparker@qiantongauto.com

Laura Dowd (adjunct)

琳达·赫伯特(兼职) lherbert@qiantongauto.com
克莱夫·利塞茨基(副官) clisecki@qiantongauto.com




名字 电话 电子邮件
Timothy Dickinson 703.933.8083 tdickinson@qiantongauto.com
特蕾西塔·洛佩兹(兼职) tlopez@qiantongauto.com
Dr. 珍妮特·劳迪(助理) jloudy@qiantongauto.com
约瑟夫·罗斯伯希尔(副官) jrosboschil@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Reginald Bennett 703.845.6523 rbennett@qiantongauto.com
Keith Brown
(GM ASEP Program Head)
703.845.4623 keibrown@qiantongauto.com
Laura Garcia-Moreyra 
(Program Head)
703.933.8375 lgarciamoreyra@qiantongauto.com
艾尔·赫普 703.845.6509 ahupp@qiantongauto.com
乔治·阿普森(兼职) 乔治.apperson@deq.virginia.政府
帕特里克·艾瓦尔(兼职) pavyar@qiantongauto.com 
沃伦·巴比(兼职) wbarbee@qiantongauto.com 
Ryad Daoussi (adjunct) rdaoussi@qiantongauto.com 
桑迪·加勒特(兼职) sgarrett@qiantongauto.com
道格拉斯·欣肯(兼职) dhinken@qiantongauto.com
Kobe Jackson (adjunct) kjackson@qiantongauto.com
卡尔 Pocaro (adjunct) 卡尔.pocaro@deq.virginia.政府


名字 电话 电子邮件
S. Michael Ghorbanian(项目主管) 703.845.6265 sghorbanian@qiantongauto.com
Andrea Maggi amaggi@qiantongauto.com
Francis Abreu (adjunct) fabreu@qiantongauto.com 
Mohammed Elomary (
Dr. 丹尼尔·哈贝特(兼职) dhabete@qiantongauto.com
Tom Ilich (adjunct) tilich@qiantongauto.com 
艾哈迈德雷扎·卡沙尼(助理) akashani@qiantongauto.com
塔希尔·哈塔克(副官) mkhattak@qiantongauto.com 
Dr. 玛丽亚·马尔楚克(助理) mmartchouk@qiantongauto.com
Dr. 楚克乌克鲁蒙乌巴(副歌) cmonwuba@qiantongauto.com 
Ihab Sakla (adjunct) isakla@qiantongauto.com
吉罗拉莫广场(附属) gsquarciafico@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Richard Thompson. Jr. (adjunct) rthompson@qiantongauto.com
大卫·瓦纳曼(助理) dvanaman@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Larry Edwards 703.645.6313 ledwards@qiantongauto.com

Kristin Hagan

703.845.6536 khagan@qiantongauto.com
Mohammad Kabir Jamal 703.845.6554 mjamal@qiantongauto.com
Kenneth Bullock, Jr. (adjunct) kbullock@qiantongauto.com
托马斯·詹泰尔(副官) tgentile@qiantongauto.com
Charles Horan (adjunct) choran@qiantongauto.com

Faniya Hussein(助理)




Steve Suetterlein(兼职)



名字 电话 电子邮件
Kelly Hebron, J.D. (Program Head) 703.845.6277 khebron@qiantongauto.com
梅根·贝克曼(兼职) mbeckman@qiantongauto.com 
Alan Boyd (adjunct) aboyd@qiantongauto.com 
珍妮特·弗洛伦蒂诺(兼职) jfiorentiono@qiantongauto.com
塞西莉亚·加洛韦-谢尔(兼职) cgalloway@qiantongauto.com
莫琳·迈耶(兼职) mmeyer@qiantongauto.com

Luci Morgan (adjunct)

亚历克西斯·斯塔克豪斯(兼职) astackhouse@qiantongauto.com 




名字 电话 电子邮件
Dr. Richard Steele 703.845.4607 rsteele@qiantongauto.com

Computer Science

名字 电话 电子邮件
Emilia Butu 703.845.6314 ebutu@qiantongauto.com
Djavadi(辅音) ddjavadi@qiantongauto.com
Kamal Kamal (adjunct) kkamal@qiantongauto.com
Sandra Perez (adjunct) sperez@qiantongauto.com
汉尼·沙班(助理) hshaban@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Laheeb Muhi (苛刻的) lmuhi@qiantongauto.com 
Lubna Hamdan (adjunct) lhamdan@qiantongauto.com 


名字 电话 电子邮件
Idrissa Abdel-Kader 703.845.6548 iabdel-kader@qiantongauto.com 
Essma Haddam 703.845.6268 ehaddam@qiantongauto.com
Aissata Haidara 703.845.6036 ahaidara@qiantongauto.com
Neha Jain 703.845.6515 njain@qiantongauto.com
Richard Noble 703.575.4717 rnoble@qiantongauto.com
Matthew Radio 703.845.6525 mradio@qiantongauto.com 
Jamal Shajaiah 703.845.6548 jshajaiah@qiantongauto.com 
Biniyam Tibebu 703.845.6538 btibebu@qiantongauto.com
Snejana Topalova 703.845.6003 stopalova@qiantongauto.com
Golnar Vaziri gvaziri@qiantongauto.com
Dr. Bruce Wahl 703.845.6342 bwahl@qiantongauto.com
Gary Wright gwright@qiantongauto.com
Faizah Alghamdi(助理) falghamdi@qiantongauto.com 
Joseph Chan (adjunct) jchan@qiantongauto.com
Logan Cobb (adjunct) lcobb@qiantongauto.com
Diane Dvorak (adjunct) ddvorak@qiantongauto.com 
罗伯特·法里内利(兼职) rfarinelli@qiantongauto.com 
妮可·巴拉·费尔南德斯(兼职) nfernandez@qiantongauto.com
杰西卡·吉尔罗伊(兼职) xxxx@qiantongauto.com
罗珊娜·高斯曼(兼职) rgossmann@qiantongauto.com
Kamran Gupta (adjunct) kgupta@qiantongauto.com 
Sandra Hatch (adjunct) shatch@qiantongauto.com 
Park Jiseong (adjunct) jpark@qiantongauto.com
Junie Joseph (adjunct) jjoseph@qiantongauto.com
Ertan Kaya (adjunct) ekaya@qiantongauto.com
米切尔·科马罗夫(助理) mkomaroff@qiantongauto.com
马利哈·卢克曼(助理) mluqman@qiantongauto.com 
Jaydeb Maji (adjunct) jmaji@qiantongauto.com 
Liz Martinez (adjunct) ljimenezmartinez@qiantongauto.com
杰拉尔丁·马斯科罗尼(副官) gmaskelony@qiantongauto.com 
阿米拉·马托斯-拉莫斯(助理) amatosramos@qiantongauto.com
Betsy McCall (adjunct) bmccall@qiantongauto.com
穆罕默德·纳瓦兹(副官) mnawaz@qiantongauto.com
Gita Pippin (adjunct) gpippin@qiantongauto.com
Aditi Rahman (adjunct) asrahman@qiantongauto.com 
帕特里夏·罗伯特(兼职) probert@qiantongauto.com
乔治 Roub (adjunct) graub@qiantongauto.com
莎朗·斯库尔克拉夫特(兼职) sschoolcraft@qiantongauto.com
詹妮弗·苏尔特(兼职) jsoult@qiantongauto.com 
Giang Trinh (adjunct) gtrinh@qiantongauto.com
戈尔纳尔·瓦齐里(助理) gvaziri@qiantongauto.com
Ivana Vukolic (adjunct) ivukolic@qiantongauto.com
黄仕荣(助理律师) swong@qiantongauto.com
Isaac Zawolo (adjunct) izawolo@qiantongauto.com  


名字 电话 电子邮件
Christine Bozarth
703.933.8066 cbozarth@qiantongauto.com
Nicole Cintas (生物) 703.845.6004 ncintas@qiantongauto.com
David Fernandez (生物) 703.845.6522 dfernandez@qiantongauto.com
Michelle Gaston (生物) 703.845.6282 mgaston@qiantongauto.com
Meredith Kintzing
703.845.6213 mkintzing@qiantongauto.com
Andrew Lee (生物) ajlee@qiantongauto.com
Hong Nguyen (生物) 703.845.6506 honguyen@qiantongauto.com
Elise Phan (化学加工实验室经理) 703.845.4605 ephan@qiantongauto.com
Charles Pumpuni (生物) 703.845.6519 cpumpuni@qiantongauto.com
Corinna Rupert (生物) 703.933.8064 crupert@qiantongauto.com
Jessica Sitnik (生物) jsitnik@qiantongauto.com
Susan Williams
(生物 Lab Manager)
703.845.6557 suwilliams1@qiantongauto.com
Izanne Zorin (生物) 703.845.6528 izorin@qiantongauto.com
洁蕊一个. Cupero (adjunct) jcupero@qiantongauto.com
Lauren Fuchs (adjunct) lfuchs@qiantongauto.com
罗莎·加拉格尔(兼职) rgallagher@qiantongauto.com
法蒂玛·哈希米(助理) fhashemi@qiantongauto.com
米歇尔·克莱因(兼职) mklein@qiantongauto.com
Tatyana Kliorina(助理) tkliorina@qiantongauto.com
伊丽莎白·克拉斯克(助理) ekraske@qiantongauto.com
苏曼·慕克吉(副官) smukherjee@qiantongauto.com
Rokhila Zakirova(助理) rzakirova@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Katherine Burton (化学加工) 703.845.6505 kburton@qiantongauto.com
Monica Feazell (化学加工) 703.845.4627 mfeazell@qiantongauto.com
Dana Horoszewski (化学加工) 703.845.6002 dhoroszewski@qiantongauto.com
John Vanderson (化学加工) 703.845.6504 jvanderson@qiantongauto.com
Fadwa Elsayed-Mohamed felsayed@qiantongauto.com
Syed Ahmad (adjunct) sahmad@qiantongauto.com
法洛克·马里希·巴斯曼(副官) fmalihibasmanj@qiantongauto.com
Daniel Lowy (adjunct) dlowy@qiantongauto.com
Furqan Sami (adjunct) fsami@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Victor Zabielski (高尔) 703.845.6507 vzabielski@qiantongauto.com
伊丽莎白·道尔(兼职) edoyle@qiantongauto.com
玛拉·莫拉莱斯(兼职) mmorales@qiantongauto.com
Elisheva Pauli(助理) epauli@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
David Stancato dstancato@qiantongauto.com
James Lloyd(实验室经理) jwloyd@qiantongauto.com
Luis Alejandro Correa Borbonet(助理) lborbonet@qiantongauto.com
Cathy Bunge (adjunct) cbunge@qiantongauto.com
Ivan Carpio (adjunct) icarpio@qiantongauto.com
苏加塔·乔杜里(副官) schowdhury@qiantongauto.com
James Chye (adjunct) jchye@qiantongauto.com
Parshu Gyawali(助理) pgyawali@qiantongauto.com 
Ahmad Zadeh (adjunct) azadeh@qiantongauto.com


电话: 703.323.3109 | 办公室: CS 206

Dr. Abbas Eftekhari 迪安 703.323.3325 aeftekhari@qiantongauto.com CS 208
Rachada Weiland 行政助理 703.323.3109 reweiland@qiantongauto.com CS 206


电话: 703.323.3224 办公室: CS 204
Todd Tupper Lead Faculty 703.764.7767 ttupper@qiantongauto.com CS 120 D
Karla Henthorn Lead Faculty 703.323.3236 khenthorn@qiantongauto.com CS 122 A
Rachada Weiland 行政助理 703.323.3109 rweiland@qiantongauto.com CS 206
Masoumeh Assadi Biology Lab Manager 703.764.7399 massadi@qiantongauto.com CS 116
Joseph Bean Biology Faculty 703.323.3879 jbean@qiantongauto.com CS 231
Peter Bryan Biology Faculty 703.425.0745 pbryan@qiantongauto.com CFH 211O
Karen Bushaw-Newton Biology Faculty 703.425.5139 kbushaw@qiantongauto.com CFH 211 L
Katherine Echazarreta Biology Lab Tech (FT) 703.764.7776 kechazarreta@qiantongauto.com CS 108
Paul Fitzgerald Biology Faculty 703.323.2442 pfitzgerald@qiantongauto.com CS 233
Trudy Gillevet Biology Faculty 703.323.2391 tgillevet@qiantongauto.com CS 122 D
Kirk Goolsby Biology Faculty 703.323.3165 kgoolsby@qiantongauto.com CS 106 E
Karla Henthorn Biology Faculty 703.323.3236 khenthorn@qiantongauto.com CS 122 A
Peter Jo Biology Faculty 703.425.5169 pjo@qiantongauto.com CS 120 C
Huey-Jane Liao Biology Faculty 703.764.5024 hliao@qiantongauto.com CS 122 B
Emily Oxe Biology Lab Tech (FT) 703.323.3226 eoxe@qiantongauto.com CS 108
Michael Peglar Biology Faculty 703.764.5023 mtpeglar@qiantongauto.com CS 106 D
山姆阿宝 SLC Tutor 703.425.5231 spo@qiantongauto.com CFH 211 B
Robin Rohrback 实验室设备协调员 703.323.3253 rrohrback@qiantongauto.com CS 210
Swathi Seeke Biology Faculty 703.764.7768 sseeke@qiantongauto.com CS 106 C
Debbie Shaffer Biology Faculty 703.323.3077 deshaffer@qiantongauto.com CS 106 A
Mercy Sheikh Biology Faculty 703.323.2157 msheikholvo@qiantongauto.com CS 120 F
Raji Subramanian Biology Faculty 703.764.6048 rsubramanian@qiantongauto.com CS 120 B
Afshin Tavassoli Biology Faculty 703.425.5968 atavassoli@qiantongauto.com CS 120 A
Ilya Temkin Biology Faculty 703.425.5120 itemkin@qiantongauto.com CFH 211M
Samira Topchubashova Biology Faculty 703.425.3475 stopchubashova@qiantongauto.com CS 120 E
Zenbaba Wordoffa Biology Faculty 703.323.3013 zwordoffa@qiantongauto.com CS 122 E
Rebecca Wright Biology Faculty 703.764.7766 rewright@qiantongauto.com CS 106 B


电话: 703.323.3113 办公室: CS 204
Ben Wang Associate 迪安 703.323.3730 bwang@qiantongauto.com CS 204 A
Rachada Weiland 行政助理 703.323.3109 rweiland@qiantongauto.com CS 206
Kavitha Avadhuta Chemistry Lab Tech 703.425.5464 kavadhuta@qiantongauto.com CS 222
Alexander Bohn 物理 Faculty 703.425.0678 albohn@qiantongauto.com CS 248 A
James Buecheler 地质 Lab Tech 703.323.3152 jbuecheler@qiantongauto.com CS 203
Mihaela Chamberlin Chemistry Faculty 703.425.5130 mchamberlin@qiantongauto.com CS 244 D
Katherine Geiser-Bush Chemistry Faculty 703.323.3231 kgeiserbush@qiantongauto.com CS 244 E
英格丽·吉伦·马奎娜 Chemistry Lab Tech 703.425.0685 iguillenmarquina@qiantongauto.com CS 235
Shelley Jaye 副教官高尔 电子邮件 only sjaye@qiantongauto.com .
Ritu Kansal Chemistry Faculty 703.425.5962 rkansal@qiantongauto.com CFH 211 E
Timothy Long 助理讲师酒店管理 703.323.3461 tlong@qiantongauto.com CT 220 F
Manori Nadesalingam 物理 Faculty 703.764.5022 mnadesalingam@qiantongauto.com CS 248 C
Kenneth Rasmussen 地质 Faculty 703.323.2139 krasmussen@qiantongauto.com CS 248 B
Jo Ann Short 司法行政学院 703.323.3538 jshort@qiantongauto.com CC 120 E
Sheldon Soon 物理 Lab Tech 703.323.2424 ssoon@qiantongauto.com CS 212
Piraba Swaminathan Chemistry Faculty 703.323.3709 piswaminathan@qiantongauto.com CS 244 B
Yohannes Tesema Chemistry Faculty 703.764.5028 ytesema@qiantongauto.com CS 244 C
Stephen Wissing 物理 Faculty 703.323.3160 swissing@qiantongauto.com CS 248 D
Stephen Wofsey 司法行政学院 703.425.5197 swofsey@qiantongauto.com CC 120 D
Yared Woldegiorgis 物理 Faculty 703.323.2159 ywoldegiorgis@qiantongauto.com CFH 211 K


电话: 703.323.3157 | FAX: 703.323.3015 | 办公室: CC 220
Richard Fiesel Associate 迪安 703.323.4568 rfiesel@qiantongauto.com CC 220
Mary Atkins 行政助理 703.323.3193 matkins@qiantongauto.com CC 220
Anwar Ahmad 计算机科学系 703.425.5173 anahmad@qiantongauto.com CC 122 E
Lynn Barnsback Business Faculty 703.323.2127 lbarnsback@qiantongauto.com CC 216 B
Cristina Boicu 计算机科学系 703.323.3514 cboicu@qiantongauto.com CC 216 A
Sabrina Chikhi Business Faculty 703.323.3324 schikhi@qiantongauto.com CC 216 F
Charbel Fahed Engineering Faculty 703.323.3188 cfahed@qiantongauto.com CT 316 E
Janet Largaespada Business Admin Faculty 703.323.3456 jlargaespada@vcc.edu CC 216 D
David Lin Engineering Faculty 703.323.3597 dlin@qiantongauto.com CT 316 F
Tom Marsh Accounting Faculty 703.323.3180 tmarsh@qiantongauto.com CC 220 C
Judy Mc名字e Business Faculty 703.323.3333 jmcnamee@qiantongauto.com CC 216 E
Isabel Morrison Accounting Faculty 703.323.3094 imorrison@qiantongauto.com CC 220 A
Rudy Napisa Engineering Faculty 703.323.3497 rnapisa@qiantongauto.com CT 316 D
Nazanin Saidi Architecture Faculty 703.764.6041 nsaidi@qiantongauto.com CT 316 B
Larry Shannon 计算机科学系 703.323.3525 lshannon@qiantongauto.com CC 216 C
Armen Simonian Architecture Faculty 703.323.3248 asimonian@qiantongauto.com CT 316 D
Nagi Soliman Engineering Faculty 703.506.6322 nsoliman@qiantongauto.com CT 316 F
Erica Thompson Accounting Faculty 703.503.6317 ethompson@qiantongauto.com CC 220 B
Zulma Westney Business Faculty 703.323.3162 zwestney@qiantongauto.com CC 216 F
Kimberly Whitehouse 计算机科学系 703.323.3303 kwhitehouse@qiantongauto.com CC 216 A

m/DEV m

电话: 703.323.3593 FAX: 703.323.3841 办公室: CT 226
Karen Walters Associate 迪安 703.323.3181 kwalters@qiantongauto.com CT 226 B
玛丽亚·贝纳斯科尼·萨拉查 行政助理 703.323.3593 mbernasconisalazar@qiantongauto.com CT 226
Marty Bredeck 数学ematics Faculty 703.764.6042 mbredeck@qiantongauto.com CT 336 C
Sumi 闲谈,聊天terjee 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3211 suchatterjee@qiantongauto.com CT 336 B
Alpana Das 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3219 adas@qiantongauto.com CT 226 F
Elizabeth Dinkelman 数学ematics Faculty 703.503.6321 edinkelman@qiantongauto.com CT 342
Khadiga Gamgoum 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.4039 khgamgoum@qiantongauto.com CM 318
Johannes Memling 数学ematics Faculty 703.425.0735 jmemling@qiantongauto.com CT 336 D
Don Goral 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3888 dgoral@qiantongauto.com CT 336 A
David Haile 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.4232 dhaile@qiantongauto.com CT 336 F
John Hawkins 副教导员m 703.323.3548 jhawkins@qiantongauto.com CT 226 D
Paul Headley 数学 Lab Assistant 703.425.5634 pheadley@qiantongauto.com CT 105 A
Chamath Hettiarachchi 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3560 chettiarachchi@qiantongauto.com CM 314
Brian Johnson 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.2132 brjohnson@qiantongauto.com CT M124
Terry Krize 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3891 tkrize@qiantongauto.com CT 336 D
Robert Martin 数学ematics Faculty 703.764.6005 rmartin@qiantongauto.com CT 304
Aicha Mouloud 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3439 amouloud@qiantongauto.com CT 220 C
Deborah Nasseri 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3553 dnasseri@qiantongauto.com CM 326
James Nong 数学ematics Faculty 703.764.5027 knong@qiantongauto.com CT 134
Long Nguyen 副教导员m 703.323.3429 lhnguyen@qiantongauto.com CT 226 A
Elizabeth Olibah 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.2344 eolibah@qiantongauto.com CT 226 C
Christopher Paldino 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.3225 cpaldino@qiantongauto.com CT 226 E
Michelle Perschbacher 数学ematics Faculty 703.425.0663 mperschbache@qiantongauto.com CT 220 D
Margaret Roberts 数学ematics Faculty 703.323.2150 mroberts@qiantongauto.com CM 320
Susan Sunny 数学ematics Faculty 703.503.6319 ssunny@qiantongauto.com CT 220 E


MSTB分部办公室l316 | 703.450.2585 | LOMSTBDIV@qiantongauto.com

名字 Title 电子邮件 办公室 电话 Disciplines
Mike Davis 迪安 mdavis1@qiantongauto.com  LR-316 703.450.2585 物理科学学院院长
Jeffery Vetrano Associate 迪安 javetrano@qiantongauto.com lr - 305 d 703.948.5648 CSC, m, MDE
Mitra Jahangeri 椅子 mjahangeri@qiantongauto.com  LS-148


化学加工, 体育
Gillian Backus 椅子 gbackus@qiantongauto.com  LS-158


Bio, egg, env, gol, phy, hlt / ped
Pamela Nation 椅子 pnation@qiantongauto.com hec - 314 703.948.7716 m, MDE support
迪安na Podlenski 椅子 dpodlenski@qiantongauto.com HEC-204A 703.948.6652 Acc, adj, bus, fin, MKT
Heidi Wangerin 椅子 hwangerin@qiantongauto.com LS-144 703.450.2792 生物 labs, 兽医 support
Anders Vidstrand Program Head avidstrand@qiantongauto.com  LS-146 703.450.2614 荷尔蒙替代疗法
Nora Glaser Program Head nglaser@qiantongauto.com  LA-157 703.450.2623 兽医

支持 工作人员

名字 Discipline 电话 电子邮件
Agatha Riccio 部门办公室经理 703.450.2586 ariccio@qiantongauto.com
ileany Sharma Santamaria 行政助理 703.450.2585 ysharmasantamaria@qiantongauto.com
Elizabeth Carr Biology Lab Manager 703.948.7592 ecarr@qiantongauto.com 
Maryann Williamson Biology Lab Assistant 703.948.5734 mwilliamson@qiantongauto.com
Khang Trieu Chemistry Lab Manager 703.948.7743 ktrieu@qiantongauto.com
Patrick Lucas Horticulturist 703.948.7754 palucas@qiantongauto.com
Phi Phung Trinh 数学 Center Manager 703.450.2644 ptrinh@qiantongauto.com
Susan Peters 数学中心教练/讲师 703.450.2644 speters@qiantongauto.com
Bindu Manassery 数学 Center 支持 703.450.2644 mbindu@qiantongauto.com
Lisa Scott 兽医技术项目协调员 703.948.5733 lscott@qiantongauto.com
Nicole Gagnon 兽医技术行政 703.948.7590 ngagnon@qiantongauto.com
Tricia Brehm 兽医实验室技术员助理 703.948.7590 tbrehm@qiantongauto.com
Dawn Witter 兽医实验室技术员 703.450.2541 dwitter@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件 Discipline
Ala Abdelbaki, PhD 703.450.2526 aabdelbaki@qiantongauto.com m
Sharis Ahmadi 703.948.7713 shahmadi@qiantongauto.com  m
Hashem Anwari 703.450.2610 manwari@qiantongauto.com CSC
Gillian S. Backus, PhD 703.948.7785 gbackus@qiantongauto.com 生物
Jennifer Barraclough 703.948.5736 jbarraclough@qiantongauto.com 兽医
Mohammed Belghith, PhD 703.450.2514 mbelghith@qiantongauto.com 苛刻的
Manpreet Birring-Bhattia 703.948.7714 mbirring@qiantongauto.com m
John Bozeman, PhD 703.948.7596 jbozeman@qiantongauto.com  ENV
Lindsay Buckingham 703.948.7782 lbuckingham@qiantongauto.com m
Miguel Corrigan 703.450.2615 mcorrigan@qiantongauto.com 公共汽车/ FIN/MKT
Laurie DiGirolamo 703.450.5742 ldigirolamo@qiantongauto.com m
Woodnard 给ns 703.404.7333 wgivens@qiantongauto.com 生物
Nora Glaser 703.450.2623 nglaser@qiantongauto.com  兽医
Joseph Herning, PhD 703.450.2620 jherning@qiantongauto.com m
Kush Jenkins 703.948.2789 kjenkins@qiantongauto.com ACC
Chris Johnson 703.450.2612 csjohnson@qiantongauto.com 高尔
Ramani Kharidehal 703.948.5744 rkharidehal@qiantongauto.com 体育
Amber Kingsley 703.948.7741 akingsley@qiantongauto.com 兽医
Lara Langdon 703.948.7793 llangdon@qiantongauto.com m
Morgan Marsh 703.450.2621 mmarsh@qiantongauto.com 生物
Scott Matthews 703.450.2622 smatthews@qiantongauto.com 生物
Anita Mohan, PhD 703.948.7550 anmohan@qiantongauto.com 化学加工
Pamela Nation 703.948.7716 pnation@qiantongauto.com m
Jonathan Opata 703.948.7787 jopata@qiantongauto.com 公共汽车
Krishna Pendyala, PhD  703.450.2564 kpendyala@qiantongauto.com 化学加工
迪安na Podlenski 703.948.6652 dpodlenski@qiantongauto.com 公共汽车
Haja Razafinjatovo 703.948.6651 hrazafinjatovo@qiantongauto.com m / CSC
宝拉珍. Rodgers PhD 703.948.2790 prodgers@qiantongauto.com 生物
Christopher Rose 703.948.7659 crose@qiantongauto.com m
Karen Sandreczki 703.948.5482 ksandreczki@qiantongauto.com m
Nicholas Sborz 703.948.7795 nsborz@qiantongauto.com  HLT, PED
John Scalea 703.948.7700 jscalea@qiantongauto.com m
William H. Straight, PhD 703.948.7750 wstraight@qiantongauto.com 高尔
Frederick Terranova 703.450.2576 fterranova1@qiantongauto.com  生物
Francesca Viale  703.948.3707 fviale@qiantongauto.com 体育
Michael Victorine 703.450.7712 mvictorine@qiantongauto.com m
Anders Vidstrand 703.450.2614 avidstrand@qiantongauto.com 荷尔蒙替代疗法
埃里克一. Voll, PhD 703.450.2510 evoll@qiantongauto.com  生物
Michael Wallace 703.404.7319 mwallace@qiantongauto.com m
Heidi Wangerin 703.450.2792 hwangerin@qiantongauto.com 生物



名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Raymond Burton, Ed.D.
703.257.6605 raburton@qiantongauto.com  MP 130
Cathleen H. Cogdill, Ph.D. 
Associate 迪安
703.530.3063 ccogdill@qiantongauto.com MP  236
Sherice Paige, CAP
703.530.3538 spaige@qiantongauto.com MP 130
703.257.6605 rsoriano@qiantongauto.com  MP 130


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Gary Brooks, Ph.D.
Full Time Faculty
703.530.3012 gbrooks@qiantongauto.com  MP 204
Stephen Fritsche, Ph.D. 
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6615 sfritsche@qiantongauto.com MP 204


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Russell Carter, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6503 rcarter@qiantongauto.com  MP 204
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3510 vhillmegginson@qiantongauto.com MP 213

Auto/Diesel/ Welding
MAW/MVA Buildings

名字 电话 电子邮件
Myles Embrey
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6679 membrey@qiantongauto.com 
Timothy Godfrey 
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6677 tgodfrey@qiantongauto.com 
John Hicks 
Program Head, AUT/DSL  
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.8254 jhicks@qiantongauto.com 
Santiago Rivera
Program Head, WEL
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3002 srivera@qiantongauto.com
Dana Greenstreet
703.530.3559 dgreenstreet@qiantongauto.com


名字 电话 电子邮件
Lauren Fuchs
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6654 lfuchs@qiantongauto.com MP 213
Vijaya Gandreti
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3060 vgandreti@qiantongauto.com MP 302
Timothy Hadlock 
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.2827 thadlock@qiantongauto.com  MP 302
Geeta Jadhav, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6648 gjadhav@qiantongauto.com  MP 302
Xin Zhou, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6647 xzhou@qiantongauto.com  MP 302
Papaphit "Lei" Rubis
703.530.3554 prubis@qiantongauto.com MP 213
Tiffany Su
703.530.2837 tsu@qiantongauto.com MP 213


名字 电话 电子邮件
Charles Akinduro
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.8222 cakinduro@qiantongauto.com MP 204
乔治 Lekakis
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3028 glekakis@qiantongauto.com MP 204
Rachael Murphy
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3026 rmmurphy@qiantongauto.com MP 204
Sabrina Ricks, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.7381 sricks@qiantongauto.com MP 204


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Ahmed Benhusen, Ph.D.
Full Time Faculty
703.257.6644 abenhusen@qiantongauto.com  MC 333
Chhandahshri Bhattcharya博士.D.
Full Time Faculty
703.530.3515 cbhattacharya@qiantongauto.com  MC 333
Amany Saleh, Ph.D. 
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6689 amrahmed@qiantongauto.com MP 236

Computer Science

名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Yingjin Cui 
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3516 ycui@qiantongauto.com  MP 213


名字 Telephone 电子邮件 办公室
Nina Lord 
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3022 nlord@qiantongauto.com MP 213


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Caitlin Chazen, Ph.D.  
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6562 cchazen@qiantongauto.com MP 213

Information Technology

名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Santwana Das
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3068 sdas@qiantongauto.com MTS 244
Jade Jones
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6555 jejones@qiantongauto.com MTS 244
Shirley Cash
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6574 scash@qiantongauto.com MTS 244


名字 Telephone 电子邮件 办公室
Shahrokh Ahmadi
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6535 sahmadi@qiantongauto.com MTS 142
Abbas Arbabshirani
Full-Time Faculty



MTS 213

Elaine DiBartolomeo
Full-Time Faculty



MTS 213

Barry Falk 
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6552 bfalk@qiantongauto.com MTS 148
Rizza Hansen 
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3027 rhansen@qiantongauto.com  MTS 144
Chinthaka Hettitantri
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6617 chettitantri@qiantongauto.com MTS 142
Suzanne Hutcheson
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3524 shutcheson@qiantongauto.com MTS 146
Inyang Michael Inyang
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.8276 iinyang@qiantongauto.com MTS 148
Matthew Konicki
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3058 mkonicki@qiantongauto.com MTS 150
Sami Nefissi
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.8277 snefissi@qiantongauto.com  MTS 140
Jennifer Stephenson
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6518 jstephenson@qiantongauto.com MTS 146
Matthew Westerhoff
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3065 mwesterhoff@qiantongauto.com  MTS 150
Micah Poole
数学 Lab Coordinator
703.257.3517 mpoole@qiantongauto.com MTS 144


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
John Sound
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.2822 jsound@qiantongauto.com MTS


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Tetteh Addy, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.257.6646 taddy@qiantongauto.com  MC 335
Barbara Medvar, Ph.D.
Full-Time Faculty
703.530.3555 bmedvar@qiantongauto.com MP 213


名字 Title/Discipline 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Alison Thimblin Academic 迪安 703.878.5741 athimblin@qiantongauto.com 是338
Vasanthi Krishnan 副院长:生物系、化学加工、ENV、高尔、HLT、PED、体育 703.878.5615 vkrishnan@qiantongauto.com 是314
Edward Zuniga 副院长:ACC, ADJ, 公共汽车, CON, MKT 703.878.6108 ezuniga@qiantongauto.com WAS 310
Kate Melara-Ramirez 行政助理 703.878.5741 kmelararamirez@qiantongauto.com WAS 306
Stephanie Loving 办公室 Assistant 703.878.5741 sloving@qiantongauto.com WAS 306
Jose Alachan Science Lab Technician 703.878.4635 jalachan@qiantongauto.com B 107
Daniel Burden Science Lab Technician 703.878.5604 dburden@qiantongauto.com 是352
Shannon Werner Science Lab Technician 703.878.5819 swerner@qiantongauto.com B 107


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Nauri Ahmed 703.878.5650 nahmed@qiantongauto.com E 114


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Lisa Baker 703.878.5864 labaker@qiantongauto.com E 117

Air Conditioning

名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
John Meeker 703.878.8577 jmeeker@qiantongauto.com WAS 109


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Christian Bartley 703.878.5619 cbartley@qiantongauto.com WAS 316
Maggie Greer
生物 Lab Tech
703.878.4635 mgreer@qiantongauto.com B 107
Waqar Kazmi 703.878.4522 wkazmi@qiantongauto.com 是348
Sara Mendoza 703.878.6107 smendoza@qiantongauto.com 是322
Vincent Ng 703.878.5886 vng@qiantongauto.com WAS 323
Elena Ortiz eortiz@qiantongauto.com WAS 304K
Idalia Rodriguez 703.878.4563 irodriguez@qiantongauto.com 是319
Rachna Tiwari 703.878.4546 rtiwari@qiantongauto.com 是346
Melakeselam Zerihun 703.878.5622 mzerihun@qiantongauto.com WAS 358


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Cameisha Chin 703.878.5897 cchin@qiantongauto.com E 101-12
Jacquelyn Peterson 703.878.4642 jpeterson@qiantongauto.com E 122
Denise Simmons 703.878.5634 dsimmons@qiantongauto.com E 122


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Betsy Chesky 703.878.5741 echesky@qiantongauto.com WAS 317
Sarahi Zarco Gomez 703.878.5741 szarco@qiantongauto.com WAS 315

Computer Science

名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Dorin Marcu 703.878.5664 dmarcu@qiantongauto.com WAS 304G


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Musaab Abdulrahman 703.878.5777 mkabdulrahman@qiantongauto.com WAC 109
Jay Hines 703.878.4674 jhines@qiantongauto.com WAC 109
Jose Trevino


WAC 109


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Avery Austin
703.878.6145 aaustin@qiantongauto.com G 118-4
Zeinab Bandpey 703.878.5623 zbandpey@qiantongauto.com 是311
Balcha Borgi 703.878.5647 bborgi@qiantongauto.com 是309
Erin Delmage edelmage@qiantongauto.com WAS 304H
Samah Mahmoud 703-878-5614 smahmoud@qiantongauto.com WAS 321
Robert Martray 703.878.5614 rmartray@qiantongauto.com WAS 304E
Teresa Overton 703.878.5884 toverton@qiantongauto.com 是320
Soo Son 703.878.6180 sson@qiantongauto.com WAS 313
Edward Smith 703.878.5889 easmith@qiantongauto.com 是332
Tyler White tmwhite@qiantongauto.com 是312


名字 电话 电子邮件 办公室
Mohammad Arif 703.878.4657 marif@qiantongauto.com 是318